SMC Auctions

Smith Machinery Company has some great options for used machinery auctions. We can enter your equipment into an existing used machinery auctions, or auction off your entire plant.

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How It Works

Our auction services and large network of buyers can help you get the most out of your used equipment. We are even able to auction off the real estate at the same event. Our auction fees are more than reasonable, so you can be assured of getting a great return from your used machinery through our auction services.

Optional services may even include an auction flier that we will design, print, and mail to our expansive list of clients. This option allows you to get the highest possible turnout for your auction event, thus increasing your chances for a successful auction for your used machinery and equipment.

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Have Questions?

Contact the service member listed below to learn more.

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PJ Foutch

Eastern IOWA, Eastern National Sales

Visit the SMC Auctions website for the latest auction schedule